Religion and Worldviews in Religious Education

The Religion and Worldviews Approach to RE Toolkit, launched on the 2nd May 2024.

In 2016 the REC set up the independent Commission on RE (CoRE). CoRE produced its Final Report in September 2018 with a separately available Executive Summary.

CoRE made eleven recommendations. One of these argued for a new approach to RE based on the notion of worldviews. Another argued for a National Statement of Entitlement in RE for all pupils in state-maintained schools that ensured all experienced a basic education on the relationship between religion and worldviews.

These recommendations represent a paradigm change in how RE is taught. Understandably, they stimulated a lot of debate, in particular as to exactly what the new approach entailed. Thanks to generous donations from the Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF), and the Culham St Gabriels Trust (CSGT), the REC was able to run a project to develop and communicate a shared understanding of what this new approach might look like.



The resources produced are all freely available to REC members, having been produced through a process that involved them fully. They are: