Vision, Mission and Values


Every young person experiences an academically rigorous and personally inspiring education in religion and worldviews.


The REC campaigns and advocates for a high quality education in religion and worldviews for every young person.


Collaboration – our mission will be achieved if we work together and share our skills and experience.

Mutual respect – our mission will be achieved if we recognise and value our diversity of beliefs and approaches.

Critical engagement – our mission will be achieved if we engage critically with the subject and encourage debate.

Our impact areas

We will achieve our mission by:

  • Campaigning and advocating for high quality education in religion and worldviews
  • Building thriving relationships within the REC
  • Creating a fit for purpose and sustainable REC

The REC will campaign for policy change at a national level, helping to shape thinking and promoting a new vision for the subject. At the same time we will work to build capacity within our membership, encouraging collaboration, inviting member organisations to be part of our campaigns, and strengthening our collective voice and impact.