The aim of the Farmington Institute is to support and encourage teachers of Religious education in schools, and head teachers working on values and standards. The Institute awards Fellowships to UK teachers of Religious education in schools and head teachers.

Contributions to RE

The Farmington provides fellowships to teachers of RE, either home-based or university-based.

These fellowships enable teachers of RE in UK secondary schools, and primary school RE Co-ordinators, and head teachers who wish to undertake research into either RE or Values Education, as well as teachers of children with Special Educational Needs to take a term out of school to study in a university or college. The Institute partners with colleges and universities across the country, which allow Fellows to use their academic facilities, while home-based Fellows are appointed a Farmington Tutor. Fellows are free to study any aspect of Religious education they wish but preference is given to applicants whose work can be seen to be of direct value to the teaching of RE in schools.

The Farmington Papers, provided free to members of the Institute, are aimed at RE teachers and others interested in theological and religious subjects. Conferences and seminars are also arranged from time to time.