Completing the Survey

This REC Member survey will help the RE Council respond to the Curriculum and Assessment Review. We anticipate that anonymised data will be presented at the SRGM and form part of the evidence submission to the CAA Review. This data will also helps the RE Council board understand the views of members so views can be represented accurately. Notes have been provided to help inform you of the background and context, if required, and can be accessed at each question or downloaded in their entirety here.
Authorised Representative of an REC Member Organisation

1. RE in the curriculum - for pupils of compulsory school age

Guidance Notes

2. RE at key stage 4 (14-16 years)

Guidance Notes

3. RE at key stage 5 (16-19 years)

Guidance Notes

4. Religions and Beliefs at examination level - (14 – 19 years)

Guidance Notes

5. The statutory requirement for all pupils to study RE at KS4 commonly known as Core RE (14-16 years)

Guidance Notes

6. The right of withdrawal from RE – for compulsory school age.

*This applies to parents withdrawing children from RE and students over 18 withdrawing themselves from RE.

Guidance Notes

7. Accountability measures - curriculum

Guidance Notes

8. Any other Comments?

This is an optional space for any other comments you may wish to record as part of the survey. Comments will be anonymised as far as possible.

9. Submit Survey Response

Answers will be used to inform the RE Council board of members' views. Anonymised data and responses will be collated to be presented at the RE Council's General Meetings and will form part of the evidence submitted to the Curriculum and Assessment Review by the RE Council.

The REC's privacy policy can be found here.