The RE Council’s project work makes a crucial contribution towards helping us to achieve our strategic objectives:
- to promote high-quality teaching, learning, and assessment in RE
- to influence the development of public policy to encourage and support high-quality RE
- to enhance public understanding of RE and its value to young people and wider society
- to secure effective structures and operations for the REC
- to secure adequate and sustainable resources for the REC
The RE Quality Mark promotes and celebrates high-quality teaching, learning, and assessment in RE at primary and secondary levels. The Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom project seeks to develop innovative, exemplar Religion and worldviews resources for the classroom. The RE Policy Unit is a partnership project with RE Today, NATRE, and Culham St. Gabriels, The Beyond the Ordinary teacher recruitment campaign with Culham St. Gabriel’s Trust, is a response to the shortage of RE specialists teaching in English secondary schools and promotes RE teaching as an attractive career choice to undergraduates and career changers. The Young Ambassadors for RE with AREIAC have worked hard to enhance public understanding of RE and its value to young people and wider society. One of the aims of the Commission on RE was to influence the development of public policy and increase support for high-quality RE among policy-makers.
Find out more about these and other projects
Find out more about REC projects.
Explore the resources and guidance documents that were produced and published as a result of these projects, in our Resources section: