Our latest webinar, on RE Teacher Recruitment, “Working Together to Promote RE Teaching as a Career”, is on 6th March, 4pm. Join Dr Kathryn Wright and Deborah Weston OBE, to explore this important topic.

This webinar will provide information about the current recruitment crisis and how member organisations can help in the recruitment of secondary RE teachers.

Research by The RE Policy Unit (2022) exposes that the DfE has missed their target for the recruitment of RE teachers in 9 of the last 10 years. From 2020/21 to 2021/22 there was a decline of nearly 200 trainees enrolling on RE ITT courses and a 150% national increase in RE vacancies (School Workforce Census 2022), many unfilled. 51% of secondary teachers of RE, spend most of their timetable teaching a completely different subject, and RE teacher recruitment is now a post code lottery, with areas such as the East-Midlands and the Northeast being particularly badly affected.

Come along and help us share ideas about how you can support a campaign to promote RE teaching as a career through your organisation, over the coming months.

Please click the link below to book your place. We look forward to seeing you there,
