The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the RE Council took place at Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral on 16th May. In addition to the required business of approving the Annual Report and receiving the organisation’s accounts, REC member organisations’ Authorised Representatives were treated to a tour of the Cathedral, a talk by CAFOD on their work delivering aid in the UK and overseas, and a session led by University of Exeter lecturer, Ruth Flanagan, on the topic, ‘What do we mean by Worldviews?’. As part of a longstanding tradition, several Authorised Representatives participated in a ‘show and tell’, sharing items that they felt represented their respective member organisations.
There were also elections to fill the two upcoming vacancies on the REC Board, and we are delighted to announce that new Board members, Derek Holloway and Sara Lane Cawte, will take up their roles from 1st September 2019.
There was a comprehensive report from Chief Executive Rudolf Eliott Lockhart on the RE Council’s activities over the previous six months. The full text of the report is available here: AGM 2019 – CEO’s report.
Search #RECAGM on Twitter to see people’s posts from the day.
Thanks to Derek Holloway from the Church of England Education Office, Hassan Joudi from Muslim Council of Britain, and Sara Perlmutter from the Board of Deputies of British Jews for their photos from the AGM included above.