On Thursday 17th November, the Young Ambassadors for RE at Queen Katherine School organised a lunchtime interfaith event in line with National Interfaith Week. It was an opportunity for students to carousel around different tables meeting members of different religious traditions from the South Lakes area.
The debate and questions from our young people led to an atmosphere of genuine enquiry and open dialogue. A public note of thanks must be given to the many faith representatives who gave their time to enrich the discussion and Mrs France and the Young Ambassadors for RE who organised and led the event. Here is a selection of the many positive student comments from the event:
“The interfaith meeting was great! I learnt lots about all different faiths and it was good for someone of that faith to inform you about it and express their views.” Lora, Year 10
“I really enjoyed the interfaith meeting, it was really great to meet so many people of different religions who can share their experiences with you.” Emily, Year 10
“I enjoyed hearing different people from different faiths talk about their views and their solutions to big questions! I also liked taking to other students there and to share my views on some of those topics.” Jonah, Year 10.