The Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs) of all 22 Local Authorities in Wales are members of the Wales Association of SACREs (WASACRE). The purpose of WASACRE is to provide a forum for the exchange of good practice and to represent the aims, work, and views of its member SACREs. This is achieved by:

  • member SACREs sending representation to the termly meetings of WASACRE
  • organising relevant national initiatives and projects in the areas of religious education and collective worship
  • speaking on behalf of all SACREs in Wales through engaging with relevant bodies and agencies, including the Welsh Government
  • collating relevant key SACRE documents
  • maintaining working relationships with equivalent bodies in England

On the WASACRE website, SACREs and the wider community can access its publications, projects and events, news items and useful links, as well as documents for the Association’s meetings.

Contributions to RE

Central to the work of WASACRE are the Association’s main termly meetings, which are attended by representatives from the 22 SACREs in Wales. The meetings provide an effective forum for presenting, discussing, and responding to issues of relevance to religious education and collective worship in Wales. The work of the Association is also supported and enabled by an Executive Committee which meets three times a year, usually prior to the Association’s main meetings.

In addition to facilitating the SACREs’ work in devising local syllabuses for RE, WASACRE has also been involved in major projects such as REsilience, and Celebrating RE.