The St Luke’s College Foundation was created in 1977 when the Church of England sold the St Luke’s campus to the University of Exeter. The proceeds were used to set up a charitable foundation (charity 306606).
The purpose of the Foundation is to advance higher and further education by:
- providing a chapel and chaplaincy at the University of Exeter;
- promoting religious education, including clergy and teacher training;
- making grants to institutions of higher or further education (but not schools).
The Foundation’s activities fall under three broad headings namely, Anglican Chaplaincy at the University of Exeter, granting Personal Awards and granting Corporate Awards.
Contributions to RE
The Foundation’s Personal Awards make an important contribution to RE. The Foundation’s Personal Awards are for university-level study in religious education and theology. Current priorities are to
- Fund post-graduate level study, excluding PGCE Secondary RE
- Support study that is closely related to ministry, broadly interpreted. Advanced study relating to RE is seen as particularly important.
- Support study at UK institutions by UK based students.
- Provide particular support to individuals and institutions in the South West.
A category of Corporate Awards also contribute to RE, supporting professional and curriculum development programmes in religious education and theology.