Pagan Federation

Enquiries, The Pagan Federation, BM Box 7097, London WC1N 3XX

Founded in 1971 the PF seeks to support all Pagans to ensure they have the same rights as the followers of other beliefs and religions. It aims to promote a positive profile for Pagans and Paganism and to provide information on Pagan beliefs to the media, official bodies and the greater community.

The Pagan Federation publishes a quarterly journal, Pagan Dawn, (formerly The Wiccan, founded in 1968), and other publications. It arranges members-only and public events, and maintains personal contact by letter with individual members and with the wider Pagan community. Conferences and regional gatherings are held throughout the UK and in other countries.

Contribution to RE

With regards to religious education, the Pagan Federation works to promote contact and dialogue between the various branches of Paganism and other religious traditions, and to undertake an educative role for people not familiar with Pagan beliefs and practices by providing practical and effective information on Paganism to members of the public, the media, public bodies and the Administration.