Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ

Church of England schools were and are established primarily for the communities in which they are located. They are inclusive and serve equally those who are of the Christian faith, those of other faiths and those with no faith. Approximately 1 million children attend Church of England schools served by nearly 54,000 classroom teachers: The Church of England is the biggest sponsor of academies in England with approximately 900 academies. 1 in 4 primary schools and 1 in 16 secondary schools in England are Church of England schools. There are 4,500 C of E Primary schools and over 200 Church of England Secondary schools. Over 500 independent schools declare themselves to have a Church of England ethos.

Contributions to RE

The Church of England Education Office provides:

  • support and guidance to Diocesan teams and RE advisers on all matters to do with religious education, collective worship and school ethos.
  • Negotiates with government and other national agencies on matters of educational policy including matters relating to RE
  • Commissioned the development of the widely used Understanding Christianity resource
  • Manages the SIAMS or Section 48 inspection process for Church of England Schools