AULRE is the Association of University Lecturers in Religious education. AULRE is an individual member body that is a dynamic community of practice for higher educational professionals involved in religious education. Membership is wide and includes colleagues working in Primary and Secondary Initial Teacher Education (ITE), as well as colleagues who teach on other undergraduate and postgraduate religion and education courses. AULRE is a supportive professional network that is committed to excellence in religious education through sharing expert professional practice and disseminating national and international research and scholarship. The AULRE annual conference is an opportunity for colleagues to share their research and areas of interest and concern. The Journal of Beliefs and Values is the association’s international journal and a voice for RE, belief and values from both within the UK and across the globe.
Contributions to RE
AULRE works to support religious education professionals through:
- University based Primary and Secondary RE ITE courses where students are introduced to nature of RE and the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to develop high quality RE into the classroom
- The university ITE partnerships with RE teachers in schools, who act as both mentors and partner RE teachers for ITE students, provides training and professional development bringing together research, scholarship and professional expertise in order to ensure effective classroom practice
- The association is very proud of its international Journal of Beliefs and Values which is the forum for the exchange of research and scholarship related to RE, beliefs and values
- The AULRE website provides a link between members and offers public access to RE resources and related documents to promote effective RE in the classroom