AREIAC is the professional association for Religious Education inspectors, advisers and consultants. It provides support for its members through an annual conference, regular newsletters and regional group meetings. It has published guidance on inspection issues in RE and (with NASACRE) a guide to Agreed Syllabuses in England and Wales. It provides specific support for emerging and established leaders, trainers and consultants of Religious Education, to enable leads of the subject to continue to develop their expertise in delivering high-quality RE.

Contributions to RE

The Association is a national network which supports and represents colleagues with qualified teacher status who:

  • inspect religious education and collective worship;
  • advise SACREs, LEAs, schools, colleges and individual teachers, in the exercise of their statutory duties in relation to religious education and collective worship.

As well as supporting its members, AREIAC also has a library of resources which are available to access online, including:

  • publications
  • REOnline / Better RE ‘RE Levels’
  • A Self-Evaluation toolkit for RE
  • CPT standards for RE

AREIAC seeks to promote:

  • the equal status of religious education with the core and foundation subjects of the National Curriculum;
  • the contribution of religious education and collective worship to pupils’ spiritual and moral development;
  • a high quality of teaching and learning in religious education for all pupils;
  • opportunities for pupils to study world religions, including Christianity;
  • opportunities for pupils to develop their own beliefs and values, and to respect the rights of others to have different beliefs and values;
  • a curriculum which challenges disadvantages and inequalities;
  • collective worship as an educational activity which protects and affirms the integrity of all those taking part;
  • links with national and faith communities to advance the aims of religious education and collective worship in schools.