Last night the REC was delighted to welcome over 55 participants to a fascinating and lively panel discussion as part of our Worldviews series of events.
The Chair, Amira Tharani, led us through an engaging conversation with great contributions from our panellists Suzanne Owen, Katie Freeman and Ruth Flanagan, as well as a lively Q&A discussion with all our participants.
Katie Freeman (Primary teacher and NATRE Primary-Vice Chair) talked about her own experiences of engaging with worldviews in the classroom:
“I have seen a change in my pupils…they are so excited about asking questions.”
“Worldviews are messy…It is OK to be messy…Don’t be afraid to let it get messy.”
“It is much more real and children thrive on that realness.”
Professor Trevor Cooling, Chair of REC, says:
“It was great to see such engaged discussion last night. Lots of really important ideas and questions from both panellists and participants. This is what excites me about the REC. It brings together folk from very different contexts to have thought-provoking conversations about good RE.”
Get Involved!
There are two more REC Worldviews events this month:
19/01/21 – Event 2: Is Worldviews the answer?
27/01/21 – Event 3: Faith and belief traditions as Worldviews
For more details, including how to register, click here