The REC is responding to government advice and we are changing the way we manage the award. Please be aware we will be suspending physical site visits to help prevent the spread of the virus.

However, schools can still apply for the award. We are moving to an online assessment process, and we will review our traditional method of visiting schools later in the summer term. We know that schools, and their assessors, appreciate this part of the process.

The transition to on-line assessment will be made in the next 6 weeks and should be fully functioning by 20th April. We intend to use the existing criteria and pupil voice questionnaires on the current website

When you apply for an award, your school will receive notification of your allocated assessor in the usual way, and also a summary statement to use when presenting evidence to your assessor. Pupil voice is still hugely important, and so we are looking at alternative ways to hear their thoughts and opinions.

Each award made in this way will be moderated through the project manager jointly with the assessor.

If you have already applied and are waiting for a visit, or notification of your assessor, you can defer your application until the academic year of 2020-21 without further charges. Schools in this position will receive individual messages from the REQM administrator.

We want to keep the REQM community, and the wider RE community, in touch with each other and with key developments in the subject during this difficult time.  Please contact our administrator on, or the project manager, ( for further information.

Thank you all for your support for RE, and your enthusiasm for this award.