On 11th July 2019, NatCen released the results of the 36th British Social Attitudes survey, which included a detailed chapter on the topic of attitudes towards religion. RE Council of England and Wales CEO, Rudolf Eliott Lockhart, shared his analysis of that chapter’s findings at the BSA’s launch event in the House of Commons. He highlighted the need to provide a suitably contemporary and comprehensive Religious Education for all children and young people to combat division and intolerance within and between religious and non-religious groups:

It’s vital that young people learn about the breadth of religious and non-religious worldviews that their friends, neighbours, future work colleagues, and fellow citizens have. It’s not enough to just learn about their own religion, their own worldview. They’ve got to learn about their fellow citizens and the many different ways that they live their lives and follow their beliefs.

You can see more from the survey’s launch event by searching #BSA36 on Twitter. You can view the BSA 36’s chapter on religion here.