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RE Council
Commission on Religious Education
REC news
- REC SRGM November 2018
- Upcoming RE Council General Meetings in 2019
- RE Council Give as you Live and Amazon Smile
- ‘Religious Literacy’ Facebook Quiz
- RE Quality Mark news
Members’ news
- Hindu Council UK
- SHAP Working Party Calendar
- ISKCON Educational Services
- Jewish Museum: Holocaust Memorial Day 2019
- Culham St Gabriel’s: Building the Future of Primary RE
- Natre and Culham St Gabriel’s
- The Shap Jubilee – A call for nominations for the ‘Shap Re Teacher of the Future’ Award
- Quakers in Britain: INSPIRE
Other News
- University of Birmingham: Life of the RE Teacher Project
- University of Exeter: ‘RE-searchers Approach’
- University of Oxford: Oxford Argumentation in Religion and Science (OARS) Project
- The Association of Teachers of Catholic Religious Education (ACTRE)
Conferences and events
- Introducing humanism: non-religious approaches to life
- The Muslim Council of Britain: Visit My Mosque Day
- RE Today: Strictly RE 2019 – places are going fast!
CPD and resources
- RE Online Case Studies
- Teaching about Christianity as a world faith in RE
- ‘Solarity’ Religion and Philosophy Club Sessions
- The Jubilee Centre: Teaching Christianity: What do Christians think the Bible says about contemporary issues?
- TeachRE Courses
- Westhill Endowment: Create Talk
- The Faith & Belief Forum Teacher Training
- Funding Professional Development for RE teachers
- RE Professional Development Portal