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REC news
- Upcoming RE Council General Meetings in 2018
- Follow the REC on Instagram!
- RE Quality Mark news
- Suggest RE teaching to a career changer!
Commission on Religious Education
Members’ news
- Hindu Council UK: exploring the A-level RS ‘experiential dimension to religion’
- Emma Beeston to Join Westhill Endowment Trust
Conferences and events
- 20:20 RE: Practice, Policy and Powerful Knowledge
- Jewish Museum Teachers’ Seminar Days
- AREIAC Conference 2018: ‘REflecting Plurality in RE’
- AULRE 2018: Framing Knowledge, Power and the Professional
CPD and resources
- RE-definitions app
- New publication from WASACRE: Managing The Right of Withdrawal from RE
- Teaching about Christianity as a world faith in RE
- Funding Professional Development for RE teachers
- RE Today online course
- Humanists UK and FutureLearn launch new free online course
- RE Professional Development Portal